To evaluate biodiversity outcome, extent, condition, and significance are used for measurement 🍃🍃🍃.
In today’s post, we will talk about the extent.
As a stakeholder, when we see a nature-based project to a large extent, we know that they may potentially issue a large amount of nature credits.
So, how do we measure the extent of the project's scope?
Measure the area in hectares(ha) with the most precise ecosystem typology.
When there is no available data, projects are allowed to use biome-specific modules with detailed ecosystem classification.
Although stakeholders may consider it insufficient 10 years later, the ecosystem area approach is the current best possible solution rather than the species-level approach (e.g., species range or population size).
For current stakeholders, the extent will be one of the key factors to consider when conducting financial feasibility studies.
In the next post, we will talk about ecosystem conditions🍃🍃🍃.
Note: Extent is a biodiversity area that is measured within the boundary. It is the first step to adopting the natural framework in a carbon credit project.